A paradigm shift

I’ve been on the hunt for true healing for a number of years, and the journey has been a spiral inward. It feels as if we spend much of our lives outside of ourselves - our energy and attention are endlessly being drawn outward. This results in an externalisation of our awareness and in the process we can lose our bearings.

Symptoms of physical and mental illness are usually our body calling us back.

Allopathic remedies tend to treat symptoms from the outside in, they are in a sense attempting to silence the body’s call. Holistic healing is a process of answering the call, and following the body to the true source of dis-ease. Holistic healing occurs from the inside out.

Our biology as our biography

Studies are increasingly supporting the idea that our life experiences and childhood environment become ‘biologically embedded’. The emerging science of psychoneuroimmunology explores this new paradigm. The way we think, feel and the way our bodies respond are all informed by our history. These discoveries are removing the false chasm between mind and body and bringing us to a new understanding about ourselves, and especially our physical ailments.

When the body calls us back, we begin to find that we have a partner on the path that we didn’t know about. The body itself. In our meditation and in our surrounding lives, the body becomes a teacher.
— Reginald Ray, Meditation Teacher

The Embodiment Medicine Programme


This immersive treatment programme combines the best of functional medicine with embodied therapeutic work. We start with the ‘chop wood, carry water’ elements of supporting your body through the functional medicine paradigm, addressing and removing environmental toxins and imbalances.

We then begin an experiential exploration and integration of the deep-rooted emotional causes for your chronic health concerns, including subconscious beliefs, stories, relational patterns and traumatic defence responses. This involves an Embodied Inquiry process similar to the Compassionate Inquiry approach taught by Dr Gabor Maté and more deeply informed by the Diamond Approach model. Through a series of sessions, you will explore and gain an experiential understanding of the universe within. This is an empowering and fascinating journey toward greater self-awareness and true healing.

The programme takes place over 4 months and includes:

  • An 90 minute initial holistic health appointment with detailed written report.

  • A 60 minute holistic health follow up appointment, typically 6 to 8 weeks after the first, with detailed written report.

  • 8 one hour Embodied Inquiry therapeutic sessions held approximately every two weeks.

  • Email follow on care during the programme.

In addition to immersive therapeutic work one-on-one, you will learn resourcing practices that you will be able to draw on lifelong to continue your progress over the long term. This is an inward journey - a journey of self-discovery - that will have a transformative effect on your relationship with yourself and the world around you.

  • Working with Lucie has been an absolute joy. Her wealth of medical knowledge combined with her holistic understanding of the body means she is uniquely placed to offer specific and reliable advice on all manner of bodily complaints as they arose during and subsequent to our sessions. I always felt very understood and the words of wisdom she shared each time always made so much sense. I knew I was in the best possible hands with Lucie to work on body and mind simultaneously and this has been without doubt one of the most significant gifts to my overall health and wellbeing. I hope one day this type of work will be integrated into the medical system as I believe most people would derive benefit from taking the time to pause and heal old wounds

    Ali - Finance Director

Availability is limited.

Please inquire via the contact form or hello@momentummedicine.care for more information.